The music was bewitching and I did my best not to make a sound, part in fear of being discovered and part in fear that the music would end. The Phantom finished the piece with a flourish and then, proving he knew I was there all along, slowly turned his horrible glowing eyes my way, hissed a hair-standing noise, and then disappeared into thin air.

* Parts of this story may be fabricated. The part of the Phantom may have been played by Matthew who I actually did find playing the keyboard in his costume. And a.m. might have been p.m.
He looks like one of the Jawas from Star Wars.
Shhh... don't tell him that. He thinks he looks like the Grim Reaper from the game Grabbed By The Ghoulies. Which reminds me... The boy needs a scythe.
He's too young for a scythe. Start him out with a mace.
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