This morning being a Monday I decided to celebrate with two extra Snoozes. Normally when I go into work twenty minutes later than normal the roads are 238% busier than my normal time due to school buses and soccer-mom vans. Due to a two hour delay such cars were absent. This and the recent goofy yahoo headline made me start thinking...
I figure that if the gaia tree huggers were serious about their love -o- the earth they wouldn't support forced busing/integration via diesel chugging yellow buses or all the precious oil that is burned in transporting our precious imps to and from the public institutions of brainwashing. But then they'd have to be responsible for personally brainwashing their own children and what about those poor children whose parents believe in all the wrong, conservative things and would never have a chance to be corrected by government employees?
So it's time for them to choose... their earth or forced indoctrination.
And since my heater and lights will be on already at home and probably the heaters and lights of most of those students' homes, think of all the energy that those schools keep using -- especially the schools here that start in the middle of August before the ACs can be shut off. In California, we started in Mid September when we didn't really need those ACs anymore.
I guess I slept through those two snoozes. Heh...
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