You may have noticed that Hilary is on the campaign trail calling herself a "progressive" instead of a "liberal". That's because over the past few decades the liberals have done a pretty good job of sullying their moniker by their very actions. Consider your reaction to such phrases: bleeding heart liberal, liberal media, tax-and-spend liberal. Icky, isn't it?
However as a fan of progressive music (albeit progressive music that stresses melody over cold technical skill) I hereby respectfully request that liberals leave this phrase alone. "Progressive" music already has a stigma about it as being egg-head or nerdy or nothing more than an excuse to indulge in technical excess. May I instead suggest going back to a term that quite apty represents your beliefs and policies: socialist. Go ahead, be honest with yourself.
I assume you use progressive.com to buy insurance.
i get insurance from bleedingheartliberal.com and i love it. great rates, well, actually everyone else pays for it on my behalf...
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