Monday, February 5, 2018

Rallys Eat-It-All #16 : Fry Lovers Baconator

So what do you do when you pay your last child support payment? I don't know about you but I celebrated with a Fry Lovers Baconator burger. That's right. I live right there on the edge, toes hanging over.

So there is it, the beast. Now Rally's is not exactly known for their meat patties so in this case the burger was totally overshadowed by two titans: their amazing fries and bacon. Lots of bacon. Each bite was like a cage match inside my mouth as these two struggled to commandeer my taste buds. Or maybe it was more like a game of RISK. In either case, it was pure deliciousness. If Rally's keeps this sammich a permanent part of their menu I'll celebrate every major life event with a Fry Lovers Baconator!

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