Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Election Day!

Today is Election Day and they expect low turnout in the Fort Wayne area. Not to toot my own horn but I'm an avid voter. I vote whenever I can. I vote early AND often. When they have primary elections and you read that only a few people voted, I was one of those few, walking into the desolate voting precinct, just me and six volunteers.

Then comes the regular election and suddenly there's throngs of people and I can to stand in line behind these schmoes who couldn't be bothered to fritter away their time to vote during the primaries. Now they're wasting MY time by stumbling through the voting process and oggling the donuts set out for volunteers.

To better serve our regular voters (that would be me) I hereby suggest that everyone who votes in the primaries be issued a FASTPASS ticket. Then, come regular election day, they can present the FASTPASS and move to the front of the line!


RPW said...

So, you are taking inspiration from Disneyland in restructuring our voting system?

Okay. That works.

Melynda said...

you said toot heh heh