The wife and I have been poking around the Presidential candidates a bit as of late and as far as I can tell the only one who is honestly conservative (with the voting record to prove it) and does not seem to be some political puppet is Ron Paul. Don't get me wrong, I like puppets Howdy Doody and Froggy from Happy's Place and their ilk... no mean letters from the pro-puppet people, please. Plus he's not only pro-Homeschool but boldly makes it part of his platform!
Ron Paul, conservative
State's rights!
I like Ron Paul too...but I can't believe you called me a girl!!
For some reason I can't find the comment on your blog where I called you a girl. Me needs coffee. But in reality if you knew some of the facial-hair bearing women I've worked with in my years as a white-collar guy you would understand the potential for confusion. Or maybe I just like to say "YOU GO, GIRL" to the utter annoyance of everyone around me.
He's no girly man!
Bearded ladies...sounds like a post to me.
FROGGY! I'm pretty sure he was the only frog puppet - EVER - who smoked three packs a day!
I think Happy was his dealer.
Hey, I think I just found your blog...me like. There are so many Lutheran blogs out here now, I wish I found yours earlier!
You should check out my wife's blog - harpoles97.blogspot.com - she's waaaay more lutherany than me! :)
I don't know how to take that...
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