I only meant to pick up some L brackets and thin gauge wire at Lowe's but when I saw the seeds and fruit plants, well, I guess I have too much of my dad in my and couldn't resist. Since the temperature here is a balmy 46 and the blueberry plant I bought is hardy to -20 I figured that it was a perfect day to get it into the ground. Ten minutes of tempering Indiana clay into rich loamy soil later and the job was done.
But while doing that it appears our daughters, after reading some Amish books, decided to play Amish and give each other a whoopin' with a belt. Never before has such a wail pierced our house! Needless to say only one of them got their turn at bat.
Well, at least now they know? What a weird day!
And speaking of your dad...:0)
So, that's why you were going after your precious children with a meat cleaver and wooden spoon!
All makes sense now.
All I can say is that they stay crunchy in milk.
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