I hereby declare today Caffeine Overindulgence Day!
Melynda thinks I'm too wacko on this whole Daylight Savings Time thing and maybe I am. However this weekend it occur ed to me WHY I might be overly wacko on the whole subject: in an era when sleazy politicians control our lives from special interest funded ivory towers this is a very real, very concrete, very personal, very invasive attack on our freedoms, when someone other than your employer dictates when you must go to work. Imagine if one day you receive you receive an e-mail from your state government telling you that you must go to bed at 10:30. Or even more likely that you must turn off lights and reduce your electricity usage at 10:30. I may be tired, I may be paranoid, I may be writing long rambling sentences with little coherence and bad spelling but at least I have a nice fuzzy hat.
It's okay dear. We all get a little OCD at times. Excuse me while I wipe up some water drips on the counter.
That's a hat? Looks like a squirrel with its head buried in the table... because winter's never. going. to. end. this year.
'Scuse me, I've got to go start another pot of coffee....
Mmmmmmm coffee good.
Did you know the idea of Daylight Savings Time was invented by another man who had a thing for fuzzy hats? Ben Franklin.
Franklin was a fan of fuzzy hats?!??! COOL! I'm wearing history!
You'd get along with one of my friends down here. He's on a mission to rescind DST. Plus, I don't think he owns any fuzzy hats. So, maybe you guys could get together and help each other out.
Although it's mighty unChristian of me, I only share my fuzzy hat with blood relations.
I just now figured out that the picture on this post is supposed to be a hat.
Freudian, isn't it?
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