As a nation we play mind games with ourselves via Daylight Savings Time. Everyone gets together and collectively pretends that it is an hour earlier and ALLAH-PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES... it's an hour earlier. Except that it isn't. I think I remember something from my childhood about "what if everyone in my class jumped off a cliff..."
How indicative of post-modern thinking that even time is relative (my apologies to Einstein). "What may be true for you isn't necessarily true for everyone." POPPYCOCK! Truth is truth even if you choose to ignore or not believe it. It's 8:00 A.M. because it JUST IS even if everyone decided that it was midnight! Water is made of one oxygen atom and two hydrogran atoms even if you believe with every cell (and atom) of your being that it is made of helium... IT JUST IS! Mind games.
*SIGH* It's not as if time isn't an arbitrary invention to measure the fourth dimension that will one day pass away but I just like complaining about idiotic legislation and being able to wake up when there's light outside and go to bed when there isn't. The one good thing is that there will be less crime.
"Dude, I was going to rob that convenience store but I just noticed that it's like way past my bedtime."
All I know is that I never appreciated daylight savings time until we got it here in Indiana....
I've lived with and without it (in IN, and in Arizona) and didn't miss it. But having kids in sports and having the game end BEFORE it got dark and the mosquitoes came out has been completely worth all the grumpy first shift workers that I come into contact with on a continual basis....and the grilling convenience for the same reason has been very nice. But I am a night owl. It wouldn't be too late for me to rob the convenience store, ever.
So, the Jews measured their time with the day starting at sunset and ending at the next sunset....there are some things that can be relative about time...like what you call it, whether you measure it by lunar or solar calendars, from some temple occurrance or the birth of Christ, and whether that particular shadow on the sundial is named 7 or 8 p.m. The Chinese have their whole friggin country on the SAME time. But I will have to admit, I do think that is messed up. But it really is what you are used to...and Lutherans aren't really big on that change in perspective thing.
There are places in the world (i.e. the Arctic and Antarctic circles) where it could be day all night or night all day at various times of the year....
Oh, I'm sorry, were you trying to make naming time a concrete fact associated with daylight, or were you just being a gripin' Hoosier claiming absolute reality??
(just kiddin ya...please let Melynda keep talking to me)
I was just trying to tie in daylight savings time with post-modern thinking but the premise itself wasn't up to snuff. But at least I gave it the ol' college try!
Melynda likes daylight savings time. :0)
BTW, Jason's daddy (I love him DEARLY) refuses to change his clocks. Period.
It runs in the family!
We just throw away the clocks and buy new ones with the correct time.
Now THERE'S some revolutionary thinking! That's the kind of brain that will one day make millions for sure!!!
I still go by Pacific Standard Time, so I'm always way off....
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