Thanks to
Indiana Jane.
Here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...
7. Include commentary
Opening Credits: Kevin Gilbert - When You Give Your Love To Me - light, fun, breezy, a great start to a romantic comedy
Waking Up: Fluid Imbibers - The Side of Town - kinda creepy... the comedy has a seamy underbelly?
First Day at School: Mos Eisley Spacesport from Star Wars - lots of clarinets, more restlessness and that famous motif. Reticence on the first day?
Falling in Love: The Flaming Lips - Race for the Prize - But of COURSE my love song would lean toward the weird. This song even has harps!
Fight Song: The Zombies - Remember You - If this is a fight song it's a very silly fight song.
Breaking Up: Rich Mullins - One True Love - An odd juxtaposition
Prom: A song from the Muppets Christmas with John Denver - If my prom had muppets it would have been a lot more fun.
Life's Ok: Einstein Savage - The Coming of Archy - If this is "Life's Okay" then "Okay" involves kooky cockroaches singing
Mental Breakdown: Tin Hat Trio - Daisy Bell - Another creepy song that definitely has an unnerving psychological frailty
Driving: My Bloody Valentine - What You Want - I'd better stop gazing at my shoes and put my eyes back on the road!
Flashback: Joy Electric - Colours In Dutch - hey, a retro analog synth song for a flashback! Wish I had a montage!
Getting Back: Orb - this is a local song from a CD I reviewed that I keep around because it was sooooo bad. Just awful.
Wedding: Cheap Trick - Wrong All Wrong - First Orb and now this... what's my shuffle trying to say?!?!?!
Birth of Child: Phil Keaggy - Simple Gifts - appropriate!
Final Battle: The Beatles - A Hard Days Night - ummm.... More silly battles?
Death Scene: Disney - Chim Chim Cheree - a jaunty death scene with a British accent!
Funeral Song: Robert Deeble - Billboards - All of Deeble's songs could be funeral songs... sobering with a sprig of hope.
End Credits: Self - Shelf Life - crazy massive guitars and a winding melody, great credits music - he's had credit music on both Shrek and Shrek 2