Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sick of it all

Yeah... another politician rant. I won't go into how the price of oil has plummeted and yet in Fort Wayne the price of gas shot UP to $4.15. Normally I'm one to stand up for oil companies being able to have profits (they are, after all, the ones who take the risk of exploration and building refineries) but lately even I'm suspecting price gouging. That said, I'm (surprise) building a database to track the price of oil vs. price of gas. Details eventually.

But have you noticed when Enron went down they pulled the executives in front of congress and grilled them and pretty much filleted them with razor-sharp knives? Where are the congressional investigations for Freddie and Fannie and the housing fiasco? There will be none because (surprise again) it's the politician's faults. And congressmen have been on the take.

In the past twenty years John McCain has received a total of $21,000 from Freddie and Fannie. Yep, $1050 per year. That rascal!

In the past three years Obama has received a total of $126,000 from Freddie and Fannie. Yep, $42,000 per year. Twice in one year than McCain received over a twenty year period.

It's time for CHANGE! I HOPE the American people wake up.

1 comment:

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

Can you track the price of canola oil vs. guar gum?